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Submitting Seed Data

Tracking Maternal Line

Seed collections at the population level that track maternal line, must be submitted one population (workID) at a time. This can be done using a web form if 29 or fewer individual plants were sampled. If 30 or more were sampled, complete and submit a CSV form to upload the data.

Save CSV forms here: Q:\Research\MySQL_database\DataUploads\UploadedDataFiles\BiologicalAssets if you upload yourself, or Q:\Research\MySQL_database\DataUploads\ToBeUploaded\BiologicalAssets if you would like the Database Associate to upload. Use the naming convention YYYYMMDD_FirstInitialLastName_ProjectName_Tissue

Web Form CSV Form Submit CSV Form

Bulk Collecting

When collecting seed from multiple plants, but maternal line is not tracked (seed all stored together), the Template for Bulk Voucher and Seed Collections Data can be used. This spreadsheet allows for multiple collections to be uploaded all at once along with information pertaining to the associated voucher specimen collected.

Template for Bulk Wild Voucher and Seed Collections Data Template for Bulk Cultivated Voucher and Seed Collections Data