Template Spreadsheet for Wild Voucher Collections Data Template Spreadsheet for Cultivated Voucher Collections Data Template Spreadsheet for Non KHD Staff Collectors
Submitting Vascular Plant Specimen Data

Data should be transcribed from field books into a spreadsheet template for bulk upload. Fill out the Template for Herbarium Specimen Data Recording spreadsheet to submit data for specimens collected in the wild. Fill out the Template for Cultivated Herbarium Specimens to submit data for specimens collected at Denver Botanic Gardens. Save your spreadsheets here: TEAMS>BiodiversityCollections-General/CollectionsDataInProgress. Use the naming convention YYYYMMDD_FirstInitialLastName_ProjectName_Vouchers Once complete, contact the Database Associate for review and upload. Data will be uploaded to SEINet and in most cases the Research Database. Data can then be exported to be made into labels.
KHD Specimen Data Batch Upload Protocol KHD Specimen Data Entry From Images Protocol KHD Processing Status Protocol Complementing Specimens with iNaturalist Records Exporting Data for Vascular Plant Specimen Labels Protocol