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Processing Vascular Plant Specimens

Specimens coming into the herbarium must follow a particular workflow depending on if they were collected by staff/associates or by non staff.

Whether the specimen has been dried or not is also a factor that imapacts how to process incoming specimens.

Before specimens are frozen and mounted, a label must be made.

All incoming specimens must be frozen to eliminate any pests or pathogens from being introduced into the herbarium

Specimens are then mounted, barcoded, imaged, and filed.

How to Process a Fresh Specimen Video

Incoming Specimens Staff Collections Workflow

Incoming Specimens Non-Staff Collections Dried Workflow Incoming Specimens Non-Staff Collections Fresh Workflow

Drying Plant Specimens Protocol Freezing Plant Specimens Protocol

Receive Specimen Donation

Exporting Data for Specimen Labels Protocol Creating Plant Specimen Labels Protocol

Plant Specimen Processing Protocol Plant Specimen Processing Workflow Processing Cacti

Barcoding Plant Specimens Workflow